Welcome to Gap o' the North Hill Walking Club.
We walk every second Sunday starting from the Gap o' the North pub in Jonesborough at 10am. There is a strong local focus on the Cooleys and the Ring of Gullion with occasional trips to the Mournes and further afield.
As far as possible we try to combine each walk with some local knowledge of history or archaeological sites and interpretation of landscape to show farming and community development over the centuries.
- For the latest news or reviews of our walks, please see our News page.
- For regular updates, photos and videos from our walks, please see our Facebook page.

The Club
The Club The Gap o’ the North Hill Walking Club was created in January 2011 and is based in the pub of the same name in the village of Jonesborough in South Armagh (M1/A1 Junction 20). Club Constitution This constitution

Membership is open and costs £20 or €25 per annum from 1st April to 31st March. You must complete an application form and apply to the Secretary. Download membership form: GONHWCmembersappform. Membership forms are also available at the beginning of all