We are joining forces with the Jonesboro’ Charity Cycle for our walk this Sunday 6th of July.
There is a 20 k cycle, a family walk and a more strenuous hike as part of the sponsored events. All events begin and end at the bottom of Jonesboro’ Hill, (registration from 11.15 on the morning), and are timed so that everyone finishes in and around the same time, then it’s back to the Gap for a day’s entertainment! BBQ and music in the garden weather permitting, activities for the kids and a series of events are planned for throughout the day and night. There is a €20 sponsor fee for all participants, (or a family fee of €20 for those wishing to take the kids), otherwise pick up a sponsor card and gather a few pounds sponsorship for the day, amounts large or small are equally welcome. You can pick up a sponsor card from the Gap Pub Jonesboro’ or Mulkerns Eurospar, Killeavy. Check out the Charity Cycle’s face book page for more details: https://www.facebook.com/Jonesborocharitycycle