Banns Road- Lough Shannagh- Doan

Doan RouteThis Sunday, 7th of December we are in the Mournes and will be following roughly the yellow route marked on the map above.  From our starting point on Banns Rd. we follow the track to Lough Shannagh, the largest of the Mournes natural lakes, then weather permitting onto the summit of Doan, (from which in good weather there are some of the best views of the Mournes) and finally onto the Ott track to the car park above Spelga.

As this is a linear walk, a bus is organised at a cost of £5 /person. There are still some places available and will be filled on a first come, first served basis, on Sunday morning. Please be punctual as with limited daylight hours available we want to be away at 10.15 promptly from the Gap.

There will be 3 groups out on Sunday with variations in route length, difficulty and pace. All walkers must have walking boots and a waterproof jacket, bring a packed lunch and a drink. B and C Groups have a river to cross and when scouted a fortnight ago this was in full flow, so gaiters are probably a good idea!

B and C groups will be out for 4+ hours, Beginner’s group for 2+ hours. In addition factor in travel time in each direction.

This is our last walk before Christmas. Our next outing is the Family Christmas Walk on Sunday 28th of December.