The third of our Family Summer walks will take place this Sunday, 18th of August. Our walk will take us from the Mast above Anaverna across to Cairnawaddy, (translated as cairn of the dog, it is reputed to be the burial place of Cuchulainn’s faithful hound Bran).
We will meet in the car park of the Gap Pub, Jonesboro for registration at 12 o clock before travelling by car the short distance to our starting point. The walk will last for approx. 2/2.5 hours and will be on rough and hilly terrain and therefore not suitable for pushchairs or very young children. Excited kids and dogs don’t mix, so no dogs are allowed!!
Our Family Walks are free to all children, who must be accompanied by an adult. ( For non members day membership is available at a minimal charge of £5/adult.)
Children remain the responsibility of the accompanying adult, the Gap Hill Walking Club / leaders cannot take any responsibility for walkers, adults or children. As hill walking is an activity with inherent risks of personal injury, all walkers must agree to be responsible for their own actions and involvement and accompanying adults must agree to be responsible for the children in their care.
Hiking boots, are a necessity for both adults and children (no runners allowed). Bring a waterproof jacket and a packed lunch/drink.

So come along and explore the hills on your door step, fitness, fun and folklore thrown in!