Flurry to Forkhill


Our walk this Sunday the  6th of October, is Flurry to Forkhill,  and will take us past Moyra Castle enroute to Carrickbroad and then Tiffcrum mountains before dropping down into Forkhill village. We will have 2 groups out, with a slight variation in routes, both walks will have road sections but in other sections we will be on open rough hillside where there are no paths. There will be stops along the way for some history from Seamus. As always we will meet at 10 am in the Gap pub Jonesboro’ for route information and a safety briefing. We will be leaving cars to the route end and then transporting drivers back to the beginning.

As always walkers must be adequately kitted out with deep tread walking boots, a waterproof jacket, a packed lunch and water. Gaiters and walking poles are recommended. With the recent rain expect wet and slippery conditions.