The bluebells were looking fabulous on the scout of our, Clermont Wall Walk, last week, hopefully they will still be looking glorious next Sunday 14th of May, when we will have 2 groups out following the boundary walls of the old Clermont Estate.

B Group Walk: will be a fast paced walk of around 7.8 miles with a height gain of 516 m, taking around 4 hours. From their parking spot they will walk along forest trails to the Black Gates. Then they cut through the native woods, (which hopefully will still be full of bluebells), and climb along the Park boundary wall up to Ben Rock, this is a good 40 minute stiff climb. Then they head North to Clermont Cairn. From there, their route takes them to the road, then they will walk the boundary between Clermont and the Forest Park, emerging at the cattle grid entrance from Edentubber. Once more they follow the boundary wall ending up looking down on the Carrickdale Hotel. From there they traverse broken ground, before picking up the trails to a deep, beautiful gully and from there back to their cars.
C Group Walk: will also be around 4 hours, but will take a slightly different route at a slower pace. New walkers are very welcome to join our C Group, you will need walking boots, a waterproof jacket and a packed lunch. Expect to be out for 4+ hours, and whilst some parts of the walk will be on paths, parts will be on open hillside on rough terrain. We meet at the Gap O’ the North, Pub Jonesborough, at 10 am, for registration and walk’s briefing.
Members please note, membership is now due for the year running, 1st of April 2017 to 31st of March 2018. Cost remains £20 or 25 euros, please pick up a form at registration and return with your payment asap.