Croslieve Walk-Slievebrack


Tomorrow, Sunday 28th of May, we are walking in the”Ring of Gullion” taking in Croslieve and Slievebrack. Depending on numbers, we may walk as one group or split into two groups for the walk. We are starting from the junction of the Carrive and Glendeshna Roads, (so a different starting position to our usual). We will walk from here up to the old helicopter landing pad, cross to the summit of Croslieve, then we will skirt around Slievebrack, following forest tracks around to the old cabins and make our way back to our starting point and the cars.

All new walkers are welcome, you must be wearing walking boots and have a waterproof jacket. Bring a packed lunch. Expect to be out for around 4 hours, part of the walk will be on rough forestry paths, but we will also be on open hillside, so expect rough, uneven terrain.

All walkers meet at 10 am in the Gap O’ the North Pub Jonesborough for registration, car pooling and a safety briefing.